Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Another 2'fer

I don't know if its the quality of episode that has given me no inspiration to write stuff or what. These last 4 episodes have been from meh to horrible as far as entertaining goes.

"Time Enough at Least" started with potential. You cant go wrong with Burgess Meredith and yet somehow The TZ did. Wiki shows this episode as the first NOT to be written by Sterling himself. He merely adapted the screenplay. I'd like to think maybe this is where it went wrong but the 3 of the last 4 episodes WERE written by Sterling and they all sucked. Its almost as if they run out of time in each episode. Everything seems rushed. Maybe i'm just used to having stories presented in hour long formats. There is time for fluff and to work things out. Anyway, this was our first truly TRAGIC episode. Nothing bad should have happened to Meredith's Henry Bemis. He was harmless. All the man wanted to do was read and his overbearing, wretched wife wouldn't let him. His dickhead boss wouldn't let him. BOOM everyone's gone, all the time in world to read. Glasses break, wtf. WTF. REALLY? NOT FAIR. Low blow TZ, very low blow.

"Perchance to Dream"..... *grumble*. I really don't have much to say about this one besides I could watch Suzanne Lloyd dance around as Maya the Cat Lady all day. I did have a good giggle when the psychiatrist showed absolutely NO emotion what so ever when a man died on his couch.

She would have made one hell of a Bond girl no??

Bring on the next episode. I need a good ONE!!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

2 For the Blog of One

It seems we all weren't too impressed with these past 2 episodes. The main characters were annoying, plot was paper thin, relationships not fleshed out. Just a mess. I really don't want to spend much time in thought on these 2 episodes. so I'm gonna keep this short and sweet.

As far as "Escape Clause" is concerned, as lackluster as this episode is i do believe it gave me my favorite one-liner of The TZ thus far delivered by out protagonist Walter.

 "Go drown yourself in the tub Ethyl"

In fact all of his insults towards his wife had me chuckle a bit. Other than that... MEH.

I really wish the relationship between man and machine was explored a bit more in "The Lonely . John, I have to agree that being given your own personal asteroid as a "punishment"...... doesn't seem to bad considering the alternative of federal "pound-me-in-the-ass" prisons.

Since i am being crass, if this episode was made by today's standards, the issue of of sex would have been front and center. If a man exiled for years on a lonely asteroid was given an attractive android woman, the first damn thing he would do when the patrol rocket filled with the only humans for millions of miles blasted off into the sky would be to check if his new "playmate" was a "pleasure bot" model.

                                                   He sure as hell wouldnt do this........

                                               Which of course leads to...


                                               But somehow we managed to make nice and do

                                                                Which ultimately led to

I'm done.

Bring on episode 8 tomorrow and hopefully we have better things to discuss.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Lonely

"The Lonely" is a frustrating episode. I want to like it, but I got annoyed right from the beginning by the implausible premise. In the future, we're spending billions of dollars on rocket fuel and space travel to deliver supplies to prisoners who have been given their own asteroids?!?

Then, the mechanical girl part flys by. There's no real emotional development that makes us grieve or think at all when the end comes.

The episode isn't all bad. At the very least, it reminded me of this song, which I first heard performed by Bobby Bare....

Shel Silverstein: Ever Lovin Machine

Monday, February 11, 2013

You're a Potato Pancake

My heart hasn't been in this lately.

I'm putting a post up just to put a post up.

I was tired of "Escape Clause" before the first scene ended. Nothing later in the episode changed my opinion. A whiny hypochondriac who turns into whiny murderer is hardly a tragic arc. I wanted the dude to die from the first moment he opened his mouth. So, why did I care so little when the inevitable conclusion arrived? Because I had to watch that whiny jerk for all the time in between. I was wishing for my own escape clause to get me out of watching the episode.

Another dud as far as I'm concerned.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Escape Clause

This one was frustrating to watch from a personal standpoint, though I think that it makes a pointed observation about how those who don't appreciate a little won't appreciate a lot.
I would never have sold my soul, but if I had, I would have made much better use of my time than he did. Getting himself into accidents? What the hell? That's about the stupidest thing you could do with immortality. It was hard to watch him make such terrible decisons with such a wonderful gift. It's like he didn't trust his immortality like he didn't trust his health. I commented to my family while watching that "the devil knows his victims." He made the offer to Walter knowing full well that he would squander it. The devil would never offer me immortality for my soul, because he knows he would lose out big time on the deal. That's not to say that there aren't other ways he could trick me...Regardless, my soul isn't for sale anyway.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Walking Distance

I was all set to rave about my favorite episode so far, but you two took the wind out of my sails! First of all, regardless of how it's used, I LOVE time travel as a plot device. It doesn't matter how lame it is, it gets my imagination going. Frankly, walking is a lovely mode of time travel because it keeps things simple. No complicated pseudo-science here; you're walking into the friggin' Twlight Zone, baby!

For me, it wasn't the moral-of-the-story aspect of it that I loved so much. I mean, it's not clear what the lesson was that he was supposed to have learned. Maybe, "Accept the life that you've lived with dignity"? "You only get once shot at childhood, and won't realize it or appreciate it until long after the fact"? "Remember that creeper you ran into at the playground when you were six? He might have been your future self"? So, whatever about that. But the nostalgia part of it--I could go for that.

What I liked the most about the episode was the notion of seeing your past from a new perspective. Our memory is faulty, biased, and has lots of holes. Who hasn't daydreamed about going back to important events from your life and seeing how things really went down? Who hasn't thought about having the ability to intepret one's own childhood culture from an adult perspective--not just schoolyard antics, but fashion, toys, media, and all that? You're going to laugh, but wouldn't it be great to go into a department store and see rows and rows of brand new Empire Strikes Back figures on the racks? Or, for that matter, see it in the theater when it was first run? To watch MTV and Nickelodeon before they were tired mainstream channels, to eavesdrop on playground chatter with its ejaculations of "boss" and "gnarly" and "rad." And then to go a step further, and to watch yourself playing as a child--the things you could learn and understand about yourself! I'll tell you that I've daydreamed of talking to myself as a child--telling my younger self things I wished an adult had. Of course, TZ gets that part right--chances are your grown up self would scare the bejesus out of your kid self. It would be tough to make that connection. But I'd still want to try, hopefully in a less dramatic way than our hero from the episode...

I have a story that illustrates this, actually. When I was about 26 or so, I rented a car and drove to the house in Connecticut where my parents split up. I had not been there (that I remembered) since we moved out when I was four or five. Dreamlike images of the house and the street were burned into my brain, and I had referred to them often over the years. Because of the time in my life they represented, they were powerful images and held a certain sway over me.

I parked my car across the street from the house. The neighborhood was formerly Navy housing, so all the houses were small and uniform in their appearance. I was not expecting the house I lived in to be so small; it loomed so large in my mind. And of course, to a four-year-old it *had* been much larger. The backyard where I played was tiny. I wanted to knock on the door to see inside, but whoever lived there was having company, so I had to settle for seeing it from the outside. I peered around the side to the window of the guest room. My dad had been using that as his room when he moved out of the shared bedroom, and my mother tells me I would go in there often looking for him (he usually wasn't there). In my mind's eye and in my psyche it was a huge space, and I felt small when I went in there as a child.

Now, as an adult, all I could think was, "This is it?" It was not even a little intimidating or overwhelming. I could handle this house, and the memories that came with it. On top of that, all the lights were on at the house, and there were cars in the driveway and on the street. I could see shadows moving across the drawn curtains. New memories were being made here. The house had moved on, and so could I.

Sometimes going back can help you to move forward. "Walking Distance" illustrates that nicely.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Anywhere you can hang your head.

Dang it, I'm behind again. I watched this episode last Tuesday, then did nothing about it.

"Homewood" is a terrible mess of an episode. First of all, it had the worst time travel machine I've ever seen in a time travel movie. Walking? Sheesh. Second, I'm not big on nostalgia. I have some fond childhood memories, but there's no temptation to go back to some golden era. Because there was no golden era. And going back and living in the past only gets you a gimpy leg.

This episode is a dud as far as I'm concerned.



There's not much to be said about this episode that hasn't already been said, or question that hasn't already been asked. It seems to be one of the most revered episodes of TZ with praises coming form all sorts of media outlets and personalities, including, a personal favorite of mine, J.J. Abrams. Supposedly this is his favorite twilight episode even including an homage to it in his feature film 'Super8' (a movie I immensely  enjoyed and seem to be in the minority in doing so). However, with that said, i wasn't really a big fan of this one. I guess my biggest problem is my dislike of the main character Martin. The man just irks me, i don't know why. He was being a dick right off the bat to the gas station attendant and i guess it just rubbed me the wrong way. He didn't deserve to go back to his childhood and experience that whole ordeal. It's not like he took anything away from it aside form a bum leg. He's still content to live his life the way hes living, maybe he had a happier childhood because of it.... maybe he didn't, who knows... and to be honest.. I don't care.


                       WHO IS THIS MAGNIFICENT CREATURE???

What a beauty!

I don't think she's credited so if anyone can tell me who she is... it would be GREATLY appreciated.